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SBQ certifies your qualifications, knowledge and competence

Get proof of your competence.

SBQ certifies your qualifications, knowledge and competence.

Certification process

The benefit of being certified through one of our programs is that it gives assurance that the established requirements on both knowledge and experience for a defined certification are objectively fulfilled. After an initial certification, the program also evaluates that both experience and knowledge is maintained and increased over time. 

Knowledge and experience guarantee

Auditor/Lead Auditor Pharmaceticals and Medical Devices

Auditor / Lead Auditor
Pharmaceuticals or Medical Devices

QA/RA Leader (PRRC) Medical Devices

QA/RA Leader


Medical Devices

Our certifications

Publications for Life Science industry

Further resources

Handbooks and pocket regulations

Latest news

Keep in touch!

Contact us if you have questions about our certifications.


A personal certification through one of our programs gives objective evidence that the certified individual has qualifications relevant for a certain role or job function.

Why personal certification?

SBQ Certification AB is a Swedish independent company, totally dedicated to certification activities. Our programs are created according to well-developed principles.

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